
From Sita's Adventures
Revision as of 18:30, 12 January 2025 by Happy24 (talk | contribs) (→‎Attack)
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Valleria is a Drago-Vampire who was originally a human but was turned into a Drago-Vampire. Valleria was the daughter of two evil scientists. They were using her for their experiments and didn't about her at all. When they died, the bats became her family, and her sidekick, Sprinkle the bat is always by her side. Valleria's best friend is Scarlette and her favorite drink is of course, fresh blood. Valleria worked for Dark for some time, but then, Scarlette showed her the right path. You can even say she was manipulated by Dark and Ponnowsita, taking advantage of when she was in her most depressing moments and convince her to join the Squad of Darkness. Valleria's personality is a stubborn brave and ambicious one. She will not let anyone get in her way and plans, she sees herself a type to work better solo. Obviously, Valleria can't be in the sunlight without some special pills she needs to take, same for water, but sadly nothing will make her not be vulnerable to garlic. Valleria also has a super demonic form, in which she has larger wings, and looks way scarier, controlling fire balls and even breathing fire!


Vampiric Fire

Valleria will create a Dark Fire, she will launch it, dealing base 125 damage to those who are hit by it, and also burn damage for 2 seconds for 50 damage. If the fire hits someone, it will explode, also damaging those in area for base 100 damage.

Sprinkle will also heal Valleria base 300 HP sometimes ( random ).


Feast of the Bats

Valleria will levitate and then start to spin forward, coming down to the floor, ready to crash in it. When she hits the floor, everyone in range will be damaged for base 700 damage, as well a Shadow Curse being given in a bigger area. The Shadow curse gets rid of the effects of Energies for 5 seconds, will debuff the defense and attack of every enemy by 20% permanently ( does not stack up), and will give darkness effect for 3 seconds for 100 damage. Next, Valleria will bite everyone in the area, dealing 500 damage and base 35% lifesteal.


If both Valleria and Scarlette are in the same team in battle as allies, the life steal Valleria receives will also be given to Scarlette.


Gender: Female♀

Species: Drago-Vampire

Age: 16

Birthday: Unknown

Release date: January 12th, 2025

Official Siter Number: 47

Created by: Happy

Lives in: Darkervood


Energy: &

Skill Type:

Base HP: 1100

Base attack: 125, 100 burn damage +100 explosion area, 300 Sprinkle Heal

Base skill dmg: 700, 500 bite, 30% lifesteal

Max HP: 3100

Max attack: 825, 100 burn damage +300 explosion area, 500 Sprinkle Heal

Max skill dmg: 1700, 900 bite, 35% lifesteal

Speed: Fast

Attack Range: 2, 41 ( explosion area )

Skill Range: 8 (spinning ) , 45 ( Shadow Curse and bite )

Skill cooldown: 18 seconds

Reload Speed: Slow ( 3 seconds )

Can attack while moving/running?: Yes


Scarlette ( Friend )

Wader ( Friend )

Cece ( Friend )

Trixie ( Friend )

Shadow ( acquaintance )

Ender ( acquaintance )

Abecesse ( past co-worker ) ( enemy )

Ponnowsita ( Past Co-Worker ) ( Enemy )

Dark ( Past Boss ) ( Enemy )

Dead Mother

Dead Father

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