Enemies & Bosses
From Sita's Adventures
What are these?
These are all of the Enemies and Bosses present in the Main Story Mode and in Story Modes
#1 Mon
#2 Roovil
#3 Tixplosion
#5 Spirdessy
#6 Macho Mon
#8 Ponnowsita
#10 Scornormbis
#11 Ssssssssssss
#12 Cact-Punch
#13 Tutankha-Mon
#15 Quetzalcoatilius
#16 Sand Golem
#17 Monkasis
#18 Celomouseeia
#19 Ice Mon
#20 Frosty Roovil
#21 Eerie Icicle
#22 Snowevil
#23 Cool Penghy
#24 Ice Soldier COMING SOON
#25 Snow Golem COMING SOON
#26 Snowflake of Darkness COMING SOON
#27 Frost Bones COMING SOON
#28 Abalina COMING SOON
#29 Jellectricity
#30 Flippy
#31 Floppy
#32 Flappizz
#33 Pearlsplosion
#35 Mona
#36 Hangduo
#37 Coral Roovil
#39 Oozectopus
#40 Malutilus
#41 Pirates
#42 Karentine
#43 Catcher
#44 Captain Papleek
#45 Squeaknautilus