Ghosts vs Vampires vs Zombies vs Werewolfs POW
Frittna: Oh!? Are we recording? *is excited*.
Shrimpert: *checks camera again* Yup.
Tanna: *is nervous* T-then lets start......
Sylvanna: Welcome to the First Poll of Wonder, I am the leader of all Poll of Wonders, Sylvanna!!
Terre: *annoyed* U-, Gurl you aren't.
Sylvanna: Wha? I thought we agreed that I am the leader
Tanna: Nope, you said that, and we said we will left it undecided for now.
Sylvanna: Ahhh, cut that part out please.
Narrator: I'm freaking evil.
Shrimpert: The Poll of Wonder is well, a poll, but it's full of wonders when your buddies also vote!
Devin: There are 4 teams, and at every Poll of Wonder, there will be a question.
Sylvanna: The members are me, Frittna, Shrimpert, Devin, Tanna, Terre Olincia, and finally Synzia
Synzia: Haha, I requested to be last because everyone is more important :3
Olincia: For me, you are the best one here bestie!
Synzia: :3
Synzia: We are 8, and 2 of us are gonna be on one of the 4 teams, the combination will always be different!
Devin: Well maybe not always, but almost...huh...always :3...heh.
Frittna: Ah stop being shy Bro *pats him on the head*.
Shrimpert: *is happy to see them happy*
Terre: Oh I am so excited to see which is the first Poll of Wonder!
Shrimpert: To think that we planned this project for 1 year and a half, and now, it's finally here for everyone to see.
Devin: Yeah, I am very happy we succeeded, and to be with all of you here *blushes*.
Synzia: Aww :3
Sylvanna: Let's see which is our very first theme!!
Sylvanna: "Which Spooky Creature is your favorite?" Werewolf, Ghost, Vampire, or Zombie?
Frittna: This is so easy! I love Werewolfs so much! They are so cool! Also you messed up the other lol!
Frittna: I'm gonna dress as one this Halloween.
Synzia: Speaking of that, everyone will be dressed for Halloween this year!
Sylvanna: Hard for me to choose, but I think I am going with Vampire, they are so cool, and teh fact they can transform into a bat as well, oh!
Frittna: Yeah yeah, but I'd still be howling at the moon all day.
Frittna: Ok but seriously now, the other options are ok, except Zombie, who the actual flip likes Zombies?
Olincia: Listen, they look very cool.
Frittna: Please all you can do is "BRAIN , BRAIN, GIVE ME BRAIN".
Tanna:Well al you do is howl while bein ga werewolf, like you howled this morning while you were taking a shower.
Frittna: HEY!! I was singing Lalisa very nicely!!
Terre: Don't worry Frittna, I understand you.
Devin: Honestly being a ghost is the best, you go through walls and travel anywhere.
Frittna: Yeah but you wouldn't be able to eat!
Synzia: For me Vampire is ghost but 10 times better, and while being a Vampire you can eat anything but garlic!
Shrimpert: I've seen some ghosts eat, so I don't know about that Synzia.
Devin: Ghost are the coolest, we will win for sure and take the W!
Shrimpert: Yeah! *fists bump Devin*.
Synzia: The Fans of Vampires are gonna win this Poll of Wonder.
Sylvanna: And we will bite the rest!
Tanna: Us Team Zombie will get you and get the Win!
Frittna: And we are gonna howl and slash through all the obstacles to get our win!
Terre: However it isn't only up to us, it's up to all the Siters and viewers!
Terre: Yes you, the reader, if you are on our discord server, you can vote too!
Olincia: Every Poll of Wonder will have IRL votes and Siter votes. The Irl votes for each team will be multiplied by 3 and then be converted into points for each team, and then we will add more points to each team, depending on how many siters voted for each!
Devin: Every Poll of Wonder lasts a week! So From now, Oct 27th, until November 3rd!
Sylvanna: See you at the results, may the best team win!
Half Results
Terre: Huh, well that was fast!
Tanna: *is amazed* Wow, people voted! This is awesome!
Sylvanna: That's right everyone, we are already at the half of the competition, let's see who had the most votes.
Devin: I'm sure it's Ghost!
Synzia: I hope It's Vampire.
Frittna: I just know everyone was on MY SIDE, cause I'm the coolest!
Olincia: C'mon Team Zombie!!!
Shrimpert: And The Winner so far is....... TEAM GHOST!
Devin: *is happy* LET'S GOOO!!
Frittna: *is angry* WHAT!?
Sylvanna: Uh...bummer, well, it's not set in stone yet.
Olincia: Let's see how many votes each team had.
Synzia: We have 5 for Ghost!
Frittna: FIVE!?
Synzia: 2 for Vampire, 1 for Werewolf..........and 0 for Zombie.
Olincia: WHAT.
Tanna: Ooooh.......* gets sad*.
Olincia: Zero!? That's...huh......That's indeed......interesting........
Devin: Hah! I knew Team Ghost would deliver! Ghosts are the best and the coolest!!
Sylvanna: Don't get to excited Devin, we still have the SITER VOTES.
Sylvanna: All IRL votes will be tripled for points, so here is the score of every Team so far
Ghost: 15 points
Vampire: 6 points
Werewolf: 3 points
Zombie: 0 points
Synzia: Team Vampire, it's not over yet!
Olincia: That's right, Team Zomb-
Frittna: Shut up Olincia, nobody is on Team Zombie IRL.
Olincia: Yeah you are right, but the siters on Team Zombie, make some noise for TEAM ZOMBIE!!
Terre: Team Werewolf, we didn't loose, we are gonna win together with the siters, like a pack!
Frittna: Yeah!! Awooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Shrimpert: Team Ghost, we got this! We have so many points compared to the others!
Devin: Yeah! Let's wait for the siter votes, however I am already sure we won!
Sylvanna: That's it for today, Byee!!
Shrimpert: Is this it!?
Devin: YES!!
Terre: It's the day we see the siter votes and winner!
Sylvanna: Let's see them
Frittna: C'mon Team Werewolf, I have faith in you!
Synzia: LET'S GOO!! Vampire got the most!
Tanna: At least we still have some for Zombie.
Olincia: True
Frittna: Awww! I don't think we are gonna win!!
Shrimpert: It's time to add the points....
Shrimpert: And winner iiiiiisssss.
Devin: *whispers* C'mon Team Ghost!
Synzia: *gulp*
Tanna: *hopes to be Zombie*
Frittna: BOOOOOOOOO! ehemmm...sorry lol.
Shrimpert: Thank you everyone on Team Ghost!
Frittna: That means you two get the first win!
Devin: Ha ha, Indeed :3.
Synzia: Congratulations Team Ghost. Oh and Team Vampire was great too
Sylvanna: Yeah Team Vampire was pretty close to win, we will take 2nd place.
Olincia: I'm very sad for Team Zombie, we got only 8 points.....
Terre: We Werewolfs got 12 so we know how you feel.
Tanna: ....Congrats Team Ghost!
Devin: What a haunting vitcory for us buddy *fist bumps Shrimpert*
Sylvanna: This was fun, I am looking forward to the 2nd Poll of Wonder, that will happen between Nov 17 - Nov 23!
Frittna: Make sure to stick around to see the theme!
Terre: For now this is it, thank you all for participating. Have a good day everyone, byeee :3.