
From Sita's Adventures
Revision as of 10:43, 7 November 2024 by Happy24 (talk | contribs)
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Holly is a Christmas Tree who loves jokes and does too many of them. He also makes jokes when he doesn't need to, "you got robbed oh that's sad, anyways do the joke with the seagull? ". We can't forget about Jolly, the star on his head. She is silent but also pessimistic, and has two fake personalities. One where she is lovely and makes jokes with Holly, and her true personality, where she is pessimistic and hates his jokes. Holly and Jolly live in Mouseetundra happily, and communicate with other tress to get the hotest news in Mouserelia and Kadamia. While many assume Holly and Jolly are siblings or Best Friends, they are actually dating.


Super Star

Holly will release Jolly, that will spin around Holly 3 times per attack, like a hoola-hoop, dealing base 40 damage per hit.


Globe Frenzy

Holly will jump, not controlling his body for 5 seconds. A random amount between 10 - 17 of globes will fall our from him. If a siter is hit by one, it will receive base 300 damage. While jumping, Holly is protected by Holly, who gives him a 90% Shield ( only for the duration of the jumping ).


Gender: Male♂️ ( Holly )

Female♀ ( Jolly )

Species: Pine Tree ( Holly ) , Star Tree Topper ( Jolly )

Birthday: Unknown ( Holly and Jolly have the same age )

Release date: October 20th, 2024

Lives in: Mouseetundra

Official Siter Number: 40

Created by: Happy


Energy: &

Skill Type:

Base HP: 800

Base attack: 120

Base skill buff: 300 per glob.

Max HP: 2200

Max attack: 750

Max skill buff: 1000 per glob

Speed: Very Slow

Attack Range: 44

Skill Range: 17

Skill cooldown: 12 seconds

Reload Speed: Normal (2.5 seconds )

Can attack while moving/running?: No

Special Traits: None


Pinehoot ( acquaintances )

Leafy ( friends )

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