
Sita is a sassy mouse and she also is the Queen of Mouserelia Kingdom! She lives in the capital Mouserelle and, she is married to Pablo
! Sita's goal is to defeat Dark and to find the 6 Heroes who were captured by Dark and his minions! Her Castle is HUGE!!! There's enough space to throw a big party for 1000 people!! Sita likes to go to beauty salons, clothes shops, jewelry stores, etc. Sita isn't responsible for her job of being a queen! She lets Pablo
do all the work! Poor Pablo
! Sita had a rough childhood! Her siblings, Harty and Lulu were mean to her! The same could be said for her parents! One day, her parents decided to destroy the world! Sita and her grandma, Chrislanda
didn't want to join them in this crazy evil deed! So, Sasha locked them up in jail! They stayed a few days there, but one day, Sita decided to break out of jail! And, like that, she managed to escape with her grandma! But they both got separated! Sita wanted to stop her parents! So, she decided to save the world!
Sita will shoot a bullet from her snipebrella dealing base 100 if it is at a basic distance, if Sita is closed to the shot enemy the damage will drop to 50 and if the enemy is very far the damage gets boosted to 200.
Sinpebrella Ultra Bullet:
Sita will target an enemy and shoot a big bullet dealing base 1200 damage. While the player controlling Sita chooses it's target the game freezes.
- Sita first name is Mouserelia. Also, Mouserelia was named after them, not the other way around
- Sita has a second name. Her second name is Lavander, making her full name Sita Lavander Mouserelia
- Sita has a machine that makes money, the money the machine makes is legal, making Sita the richest being in Mouserelia
- Sita wasn't the first to be crowned but the fifth. First was Megan, then Chrislanda
, then Sasha, Sasha quit so Chrislanda
took the throne again, and finally, Sita was crowned as princess of Mouserelia, then as the queen.
- Sita wasn't that mean and selfish at first, she was kind and caring. The creator changed her personality because he thought that this personality doesn't really fit her anymore.
- It was planned at first for Sita and Pablo
to have over 60 kids, this was changed from 60 to 3 and then 4 by adopting Huggs
Gender: Female♀
Species: Mouse
Age: 56
Birthday: September 17
Release date: June 27th, 2024
Lives in: Mouserelle
Energy: File:Basic.png
Base HP: 700
Base attack: 100, 50, 200
Base skill dmg: 1200
Max HP: 2200
Max attack: 800, 400,1600
Max skill dmg: 2700
Speed: Normal
Range: very long
Skill cooldown: 16 seconds
Reload Speed: Normal (1.5 seconds )
Pablo ( husband )
Pablo Jr. ( son )
Lucia (daughter)
Propinate ( son )
Huggs ( adoptive son )
Chrislanda (Grandmother )
Lavinia ( daughter-in-law )
Paula ( granddaughter )
Sasha ( mother )
Bobby (Adoptive-Dad)
Harty ( Sister )
Lulu ( Brother )
Clio ( Cousin )
Celomouseia ( unknown )
Ponnowsita ( Satanic Clone )
Saila ( good friend )
How Sita and Pablo
Sita lived in the woods for a long time after she escaped from the castle with her grandma, Chrislanda, until one day she met Pablo
wandering in the woods! They met and talked about their life, becoming friends. After a few days, they both decided that they would become bandits! But not that evil kind of bandits, They would become Hero Bandits, who steal for the poor and ruin every evil person, including her parents. When Sita was 22 years old and Pablo was 19, they decided to make a baby! Soon, after Propinate was born, Pablo proposed to Sita, she said yes, and soon after, they got married. After some time, they even defeated Sasha and Bobby, who became good people, and the rest is history.
- Gallery
Sita's face
Pixel Sita ( Unused )